Northern Illinois Food Bank
The source of nutritious food, innovative feeding programs, and hope for more than 71,500 people each week. Last year alone they served 65.5 million meals in the suburbs of Chicago and rural communities across Northern Illinois. And none of this would be possible without the hard work and dedication of hundreds of generous donors and volunteers each year. We help NIFB tell their story, raise money, and connect with donors and the community.
It’s More Than A Logo
NIFB is a member of Feeding America, the nation’s largest domestic hunger-relief organization—a powerful and efficient network of 200 food banks across the country. We designed the logo to highlight the important affiliation with the national organization yet maintain it’s own unique identity. Both the color palette and the image of the wheat, that form the O in food, are inspired by the parent organization’s logo.
You Make A Difference
It’s just human nature. We all need to be needed. It’s a simple strategy that pays off. The campaign we created utilized simple, bold statements that tell donors that we value them—that their time, effort and assistance are greatly appreciated by the organization and the people they serve.
Making It Human
“I don’t think people realize the profound effect they have on someone [when they donate]; they’re not just providing food, but also dignity. That little bit of help helps in many other ways.” – Sam, Elgin
The brand strategy we developed puts success stories at the heart of our communcations.
Giving Them A Reason To Give
Donors have tons of choices when it comes to support good causes and we know that they want both emotional and rational reasons to give. Telling the stories of clients helps them understand the need, while giving them the numbers, hard facts and data shows them that NIFB is a worth while investment and a top notch steward of their resources. Our designs make complicated statistics a quick and easy read for their viewing audience.
Reporting On Success
Giving credit where credit is due. Each year NIFB thanks its donors and reminds them that they are diligently working to solve hunger. The beautifully designed report highlights organizational successes and serves as a reminder to donors that every little bit helps.
Building Great Programs
NIFB develops new programs each year to develop fundraising to help their partners succeed. They provide support to organizations throughout their region and we support them by creating logos and branded materials to help them continue to do what they do best.
Engaging The Community
NIFB is always looking for new ways to engage the community and build awareness. The Foodie 5K is a popular family event that raises nearly $300,000. Our team developed the logo, shirts, sign-up materials, and web banners. We are proud to contribute to the ongoing success of this amazing organization.